Ok , thanks ...now I read that law and it seems to be very , hmmm at least unjust ...but who am I to judge . No one's perfect . Any way , vaperspace made all clear :
by vaperspace.com » Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:04 pm
We at VaperSpace feel horrible at how this has turned out. UKVapers.com should not be put through this. The people that are being punished for a crazy man's rant. Are the very same people that made him who he is. The Vapers around the globe are pissed at this complete mess.
Things to consider:
We, the Vapers, made TW what it is today.
We, the Vapers, made ECF what it is today.
We, the Vapers, made UKVapers.com what it is today.
So why are, we, the Vapers, being punished?
We, the Vapers, want UKVapers.com back.