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hi all


Sep 16, 2013
I finally got round to registering :-)
I've been vaping for about 12 weeks, completely off stinkies for just over 7. Currently using a magneto, zmax and vmax. Davide and protanks and I do like my shiny drip tips. Favourite juice flavours are vamp kiss and mdv666 from vaping king, welsh mist from Greatevape and strawberry vapetto from chefs vapours :-) I've been recoiling wicks for my tanks and next want to try rebuildables.
Welcome to the Planet Paula!!! good little tank the Davide, I prefer it to my Protanks as It seems to perform better even though its virtually the same as my Protank 2!!!
Went off on a bit of a Tangent there I'm afraid, Sorry!!!!:welcome1:
Welcome to the Planet, that's a nice collection you've amassed in 12 weeks!
Serious case of shinyitis, didnt include my starter stuff (gave it away) its addictive
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