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Hi everyone


New Member
Feb 2, 2014
Just want to introduce ourselves new to planet of the vapes, we're an e-cig and e-liquid supplier. We started as we provide an e-cig with a unique coil, we are in the early stages and currently awaiting our review on our first developed e-cig from todds reviews although he has gave us a mention. Our website is ******************* where you can find all the information about what we're doing. Looking forward to discussing all things Vape related and learning our way around the forum.
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Just want to introduce ourselves new to planet of the vapes, we're an e-cig and e-liquid supplier. We started as we provide an e-cig with a unique coil, we are in the early stages and currently awaiting our review on our first developed e-cig from todds reviews although he has gave us a mention. Our website is ******************* where you can find all the information about what we're doing. Looking forward to discussing all things Vape related and learning our way around the forum.


Hi and welcome to the forum.

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