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Hi everyone


Jun 17, 2013
Been a vaper for nearly 5 years now. June is the date I think and not one ciggy, pipe or cigar since. A 30 a day habit of cheap Spanish roll ups has been replaced with something that is a lot more enjoyable. I have joined the ranks of the fanatics, always buying bits and pieces, still a good hobby that has brought me some new friends.

Hoping to make even more here.
5 years!!!!!!!!tell us,what was it like in the old days?????????

Ah the old days, lol. Well as I recall I only really came across TW, quickly followed by LF. First pv was a Super Mini. About £8.99 a battery and a bit less for an atty. The RN4081. Can you still get that atty?

Picked up on Gary Dibleys mods and that was the start. TW sold 30mil bottles of e-liquid for I think, £19.99. Good stuff but pricey. Still they would have specials often running.

Getting used to this I ventured to buy from various on line folk. No real disasters that I can say.

Very rarely do I buy pre mixed these days. Some good concentrates out there and plain mixing fluid, tend to buy 72 mg, can be purchased at a very good price.

I have a number of pv devices now and I am pleased that some people I have turned on to the hobby.
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