Hi all,thought id better say hello..Given up the ciggies for just over 2 weeks now..I have been converted to vaping after 28 years of sucking on a fag....
Hi,oh its not 2 weeks now its actually 3 weeks..Just converted my sister to it,she hasn't had a ciggie for about a week now..Thinking of starting a new religion( C of V )...Church of vaping
Welcome fellow newbie. Been at it for 3 weeks ish now myself. Only down to 3 or 4 stinkies aday now, buts that's from 20+ aday since about 1977. Getting there slowly
Keep at it..I have had days when I thought I wanted one,but I think it was just habit.Like when at work on a break id have to stand outside etc;no more standing in the rain/snow now.No more 4 quid odd a day on baccy..