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Hi from Belgium


Apr 8, 2014
Hi guys and galls.

I'm from Brussels. 50yo, vaping since this February after 35 years @ 30 rolled cigs/day (but with Semois, a local baccy sold without treatment except torrefaction. It helped a lot, as the addiction is a lot less serious than "normal" tobacco.).
Currently using : Quantic, Gus GTM, Smok Magnéto, and SVD.
Atos: Aga T2 (in microcoil with a silica wick), KFL+v2 (should be home today. Yey!). Also using Aérotanks and Protanks, recoiled at 1.4 to 1.6 Ohms.
Using mainly multi-ingredients juices (Jack the Ripple, Snake Oil, Ambrosia), and starting my DIY since a few weeks.
I also collaborate to the ABVD.be group (EVUN Belgian chapter).
Hope to find lots of infos in here. If they are presented in such a way I can send them to my banker, it would probably help ;)

Have a nice vaping day.

:2thumbsup: Hello there, Nice to meet you!!!
Hallo and :welcome2: to POTV, I have friends in both Brussels and Antwerpen, and am flying over on Friday, to meet up with some of them before we go to Latvia.
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