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Hi from Cheshire


May 9, 2013
Hello All,

After lurking and gaining huge amounts of info over the last month I thought I'd better log on and say hello and thanks.

I've been vaping for a month now, and have progressed along the usual route - Jacvapour cigalike to Ego-C to Ego/EVOD setup. I'm mainly using the standard Ego-C at the moment through as I'm not really liking the EVOD very much. I've gone from 30 a day, to nothing but my Ego setup.

I'm really struggling to find a daily vape I like at the moment though, and getting a bit fed up of buying juice that I don't like. To my surprise, I quite like some sweet fruity flavours like Jacvapour's Strawberry Chew, and Totally Wicked's Green Apple, but they're pretty hard going all day.

On my 'utterly foul and to be binned list' is Jacvapour Real Tobacco, Totally Wicked American Red Tobacco and Ace Vapers Freshly Ground Coffee. The latter I tried un-steeped, so I will give it another go before binning it.

I have some Exotic Plum, AV4 and Bananas Foster from Ace Vapers steeping at the moment to try soon.

I'm worried that I'll lose enthusiasm soon if I don't find something I can vape throughout the day. Does anyone have any recommendations for a 'savoury' all day vape, or somewhere that offers a 'selection pack' of small bottles or samples that I can try without paying up to £5 for a 10ml bottle that may go in the bin?

Thanks for all the advice I've got from the forum so far - one thing that's really struck me is that this seems to be the only forum I've ever looked at regularly that is genuinely friendly and not full of trolls and idiots!
Hi there and welcome to the planet,
as far as savoury flavours, I can't offer any suggestions I'm afraid ,as I have been vaping sweet flavours since I packed in the fags about 4 months ago.
I can suggest however that you could consider mixing your own which works out considerably cheaper than buying 10 ml bottles at a fiver a chuck, and there are plenty concentrates to choose from, from plenty of different vendors.
I'm sure someone will be along shortly that could suggest some savouries for you.
Good luck in finding something you can enjoy all day, there's sure to be something that suits.
Welcome Camel. Hope you solve you liquid problems soon and don't get the hump.

*Goes to get coat*
Hi @Camel, welcome to POTV, I know these guys do their own juices, and sample packs: http://royalvapor.co.uk/sample

Some of my favourite liquids come from House Of Liquids, their Guevara from their El Toro range is my favourite tobacco, and their ebaron Brasiliero is a coffee tobacco that is the only decent coffee vape I have personally tried. If you email them requesting to become a member of their In Private club, you can chose free samples when you purchase from there, details on the site ;)
Hi and welcome Camel. The 'getting a bit fed up' trying to find a juice you like is VERY common but there is no answer but to persevere. Some vendors do sample packs as mentioned above.

Ive been Vaping almost three years. In that time I have lost count of the number of different juices I have tried (100s) from different vendors (dozens) and I also venture into mixing my own now and again too using concentrated flavourings I found on the marketplace here. From those 100s of juices I would say whilst there were those that were (to me) shall we say not nice, others that were ok, a few that were very nice and a handful exceptionally good (including the House of liquid juices) In all that time I would say I have maybe half a dozen favourites that I have in my stock just about all the time.

Even then I tend to rotate flavours. I don't think I'm alone in doing that and sometimes I go off a flavour for a period of time.

I guess what I'm saying is stick with it. Vaping is far better than smoking in so many ways. As smokers we tended to stick with one favoured brand of fags or tobacco for years. Vaping is different for most people and does, I'm afraid ,involve some trial and error.
Welcome to the Planet.

It can take a few weeks for your taste buds to come back to life after smoking analogues, so your sense of taste may not be fully acquired yet, and finding the "juice for you" does take a while but keep at it and you will find one that suites, as far as binning the ones you don`t like though I would say hold off, if it`s only had a few drops taken out of the bottles then save em and maybe sell them on when you have a few and recoup some of your money, or give them away to a new user to try. Also keep your eyes on the Vendors section here, there was one here that sells either a 3ml or 5ml samplers at a very good price for multipack purchases that may help you find your Nirvana of Vaping Heaven :), I have Engineers here today but when I get some normality I shall try and find the link for you , should save you a few squid in your search :) .
Hiya and welcome. I can't really add to what the guys above have said other than stick with it! There are some awesome juices out there-the trick is finding them. Check out our review section for some great advice, although we are all different and that includes our tastes.
Wow, thanks everyone for your kind welcomes and advice. I really appreciate the suggestions - all of which are really useful. I'll definitely keep at it and like the look of Royal Vapour sample packs and House of Liquids. I think my postman is getting sick of delivering jiffy-bags.....

I think I've found an everyday vape that'll keep me going whilst I try out some others in the form of Ace Vaper's Banana Foster - hardly the 'savoury' vape I was looking for, but not overly sweet and I'm really quite enjoying it. Theoretically, it should be steeping until Monday but I couldn't resist a sample!
Roadhoguk - I think you're right about the tastebuds after hammering them with smoking for twenty years. I certainly can tell that my sense of smell is returning, which isn't such a great thing at times! :grin2:
Mawsley - I see what you did there! :doh:
Hello All,

After lurking and gaining huge amounts of info over the last month I thought I'd better log on and say hello and thanks.

I've been vaping for a month now, and have progressed along the usual route - Jacvapour cigalike to Ego-C to Ego/EVOD setup. I'm mainly using the standard Ego-C at the moment through as I'm not really liking the EVOD very much. I've gone from 30 a day, to nothing but my Ego setup.

I'm really struggling to find a daily vape I like at the moment though, and getting a bit fed up of buying juice that I don't like. To my surprise, I quite like some sweet fruity flavours like Jacvapour's Strawberry Chew, and Totally Wicked's Green Apple, but they're pretty hard going all day.

On my 'utterly foul and to be binned list' is Jacvapour Real Tobacco, Totally Wicked American Red Tobacco and Ace Vapers Freshly Ground Coffee. The latter I tried un-steeped, so I will give it another go before binning it.

I have some Exotic Plum, AV4 and Bananas Foster from Ace Vapers steeping at the moment to try soon.

I'm worried that I'll lose enthusiasm soon if I don't find something I can vape throughout the day. Does anyone have any recommendations for a 'savoury' all day vape, or somewhere that offers a 'selection pack' of small bottles or samples that I can try without paying up to £5 for a 10ml bottle that may go in the bin?

Thanks for all the advice I've got from the forum so far - one thing that's really struck me is that this seems to be the only forum I've ever looked at regularly that is genuinely friendly and not full of trolls and idiots!
Hi , nice intro and welcome! Pleased you are starting to find juices you like now. Stick with it, your tastes will change dramatically as your taste buds pop back too life.

you will likely find that what you think you want isn't what you end up loving in the end anyway!
Smokers were asking me about my pipe and what I was vaping tonight. Their faces were a picture when I said banana and toffee...and I never expected to be enjoying such juices so much when I started, I thought it'd be tobacco subs and maybe coffee.
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