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Hi Guys, I'm 816...


Mar 12, 2014
...I had quit smoking free for a few until March last year when I picked up the habit again.

A year down the line, hundreds of pounds up in smoke, I've decided enough is enough.

When looking at what vaporisers where available, I found so many different devices, I genuinely didn't know what to buy.

I stumbled across the forum and used some threads to guide me towards an Evod & some Hangsen Spearmint juice to get me started.

I've got to say I absolutely love my Evod, the spearmint juice is great but I'm excited to trying some other flavours in the coming weeks.

I feel like a kid writing his Christmas list for Santa when I'm going through this forum but I figured I'd better stop lurking and start posting. So here I am!


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S5 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Hi 816,

Welcome to POTV!

Well done on making the decision to stop - all the best and make sure to keep us updated on your progress.
Welcome 816

I am sure every person on this forum could advise you on what to buy next, but it would only be their opinion. Take it with a pinch of salt!

Personally my next step was Innokin MVP2 & Kanger Aerotank.

But whatever works for you & keeps you off smoking, is the right setup for you.

Don't let anyone tell you, that you are doing it wrong!

All the best!
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A warm welcome guys, thanks. Appologies for the poor English in my post. I'm blaming the new phone, an unfamiliar autocorrect and too many beers on a Friday night!

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S5 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Welcome to the Planet, and to vaping in general. And what MutedFFS said is pretty much bang on. What works for you, works for you. From an ego (or even a cigalike) to some 7xLiPo behemoth, if it keeps you off the fags then all is good.
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