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Hi I'm new here,


Oct 30, 2017
My name is Jamie, I've been vaping and tobacco free for 3 years after kicking a 10 year addiction. My favorite devices consist of a Craving Vapor Hexohm V3 topped with a Apocalypse gen2 and a Reuleaux DNA250 Bronze topped with a copper goon V1. My preferred way to vape is dripping or as of recent squonking with a Pulse Bf ,Pulse 24 combo. A lot of my experience vaping has been solitary as the US Midwest is a vaping dead zone. I was not aware such a great forum existed until a couple days ago so I'm very happy to be here . My Instagram is public and is mostly vape stuff. feel free to check it out @Jamonpanda.mn
Welcome Jamie.
Interesting vape collection & motor on yr Instagram there. (Golf GTI + Jag badges!)
Welcome aboard, I'm also new and currently thinking about the pulse 24 as well and a new squonker, I've heard good things about it
Welcome aboard, I'm also new and currently thinking about the pulse 24 as well and a new squonker, I've heard good things about it
I find the Pulse 24 more flavorful than the Dead Rabbit RDA and Goon 1.5. It's machined extremely well for its price point and wicks consistently. It also comes with a cool little tooI i find myself using constantly.
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