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Hi, looking in to RTA’s and RDA’s, isit worth investing in?


Jun 25, 2021
I currently use an Oxva Xlim v2, and i really love this vape, fhe flavours awsome, But I’ve been told it’s cheaper to build your own coils, but can you get the same flavour as the xlim? I’ve been looking at the Taifun rta’s, and possibly a taifun rda
An rta is without doubt cheaper whether you make your own coils or buy pre-made ones than stock coils and replaceable pods/coils and better flavour is their other main advantage. There are lots available though Taifun is a high end maker and prices reflect that so maybe not the best rta to start on in case you don't get on with rebuilding though there are clones available.

I'm sure those on here who are very into rebuildables will offer more advice and have a look at the reviews etc here on them.
While the initial outlay is higher (tank, mod, maybe separate batteries and charger, cool tools) the overtime savings are a lot more.

Let's say average £10 for a pack of 5 stock coils that will last 6-8 weeks.

Compared to £3-5 for a spool of wire and £6 for a big bag of cotton that will last a few years.

Then you spend all the money you save from not buying stock coils on more rtas and mods.
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The thc tauren mtl 1.5 would be an ideal first rta.
it's pretty cheap, very easy to build and wick.
And the glass has a metal shell around it for better protection.
The taifun gt4s clone from Ali express is really good quality. Flavour is amazing and costs about £16 or so including delivery.
Yes @MMA_Junkie94 you have to go on to RTA, RDA, or RBA, it will save you a fortune.

You can just start away with very basic coils and progress into more complex coils as you go along. And it’s great fun.

The coils I make can last for at least 6 month with very little maintenance. But for more advanced vapers on Rebuildable’s.

So enjoy your journey and get into Rebuildable’s, it’s well worth it mate.
You won’t look back, going down the rebuildables route for a very long time and only then for the craic or in an emergency - and you’ll probably begrudge paying top dollar
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