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Hi there...


Mar 4, 2014
Hi all.. SLIP here! .. I hope you have lots of lovely things for me to look at and read :D

Ive been vaping since the 12th sep 2014 with my innokin134+rda & a mech reo grand+rm2 & cyclone... also been doing diy juice since jan...

while I'm at it I just want to ask if something is up with the server because as im typing not all my letters are coming up on the screen and I have to keep backing up to re adjust my words... I don't think its me as it doesn't do it to me when I type into my google only on here... dam its annoying ....

thanks and peak soon :)
The typing thing is happening to me too :) driving me nuts

and Welcome!
Thanks ya'all ... no one noticed I typed ive been vaping since sep 12th 2014 haha haaa I'm from the future... was suppose to be 2013 :)

hey cloud9... are you from cloud9vapers? since getting the mech I still use the innokin134 as much but instead of dialing in my vape by adjusting the watts I tend to use the highest setting and make a coil to suit..

yeah Devon is loads better then Bristol where I was brought up :)
just come back from a little walkabout... things are nicely set out around here.. I like it

thanks for your welcomes :)
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