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Higher Resistance Coil


Oct 29, 2013
Newbie help please ;)
I have just got into DIY and am wondering if more wraps on a coil will give more resistance.
I've got .2 wire and an Igo-L on a Vamo.
Currently it's got 5 wraps and it's showing 1.7ohms.

Also, will I get more vape at higher voltage and higher resistance?
Thanks for your help.
1.7 ohms sounds to be about right to me. I wouldn't say you'd get more vape by turning up the voltage, I'd say more of an intense vape. It's hard to put into words. Just try it a bit at a time till you find what you like.
I've just been looking at the volt ohm chart and it says it's dangerous if you pump too many volts through lower ohms. With more wraps, would you get more vape because of the amount of wraps touching the wick?
I just made a 7 coil resi and it's showing 2.6 ohms so I think I;ve answered my own question. Now to juice it up and give it a try at higher voltage. Thanks for your help.
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