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hiya from co durham


Jan 23, 2014
Hiya, been doing a bit of lurking,plenty of reading , just getting into the vape, using an ego t at the mo,and a udt-l510 with boge tank,and starting my samples of t juice, quite enjoying them,will be after some one near me to show me the ropes on mixing I think ,when I settle on a flavour or two ,iam up beside the beamish museum,near Stanley , well of to do some more reading, lot to take in for a newbie ,but at least I made a start catch you all later . Ian
Hi I'm new here. Just trying to refill my new vapor. I so love it!
Welcome to the Planet Ian !!! You Picked the right Forum, We've got the Friendliest and most knowledgeable members on the Interweb!!!:welcome2:
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