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hiyas from devon


Jun 30, 2014
Hi all been ciggie free for 3 weeks nos, just got the dreaded sore throat.
vaping using a innokin MVP v2 and I clear 30s and 30b.
Had juice from will at south west vapes ( very nice ) black jacks and suicide bunny which is a cheesecake type flavour so far my favourite's.
Looking to get some other decent flavours as he is unavailable for a bit.
His liquids are 100 times nicer and more flavourful than the dekang ones I got they were really weak tbh and the vanilla ice cream flavour was vile.
Any RECs for good supplier full flavours juice would be appreciated.
Also advice re rda dripper for the MVP ideally with adjustable air holes.

Already learnt so much from this forum brilliant place to learn.
Cheers peeps

:2thumbsup: Hello Iggy, Nice to meet you Mate!!! Enjoy your stay and Welcome to the Gang!!!
Hi there n welcome!

Fave juice ever is witchers brew no. 1 elixir. Can't remember where I found it but if you google witchers brew uk it comes up.

Happy hunting...
Aloha man, so far i have been working my way through the Mount Baker catalogue from cloudhousevapors and the ones mentioned in the bargain thread but take a look at the discounts page too
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