Temp control with kanthal has worked well for me. Have never burnt cotton if the coil has gone dry. You do have to mess with a settings a bit and the menu system is a little different compared to other mods, but you get used to it quick. The vape is really smooth and powerful. I really like the board more than a DNA. Any DNA I've ever built has always been sold.
The board is an Hohmtech T254MX V4.4 FlagShip Killer Chip which is the same one that is in the Hohm Slice Limited Edition mod (limited edition has 3A charging, think the standard one is 1A). Bought a single board from Hohmtech by contacting them by email
[email protected] They sent me a form for credit card authorization and required an ID scan for age verification. Board was $39.99USD and first class shipping an additional $4.80, total $44.79 (I'm in the US and they are as well located in California).
The standard Hohm Slice board, would probably be cheaper at this point to just buy the mod and use the board.
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