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Horizon Falcon Tank - Leaks after filling

Iftkhar Rashid

Jun 5, 2018
I've noticed I get a glug of juice exiting the airholes pretty much everythime I fill it up?
It's not fresh juice - used/brown everytime?
Any thoughts?

Thank you !
make sure its all screwed together tight. O ring seal migh be slightly out of place. does it only do it the once or does it do it when you tilt the tank as well.
close air hole, remove top, fill, close top, open air hole.
make sure its all screwed together tight. O ring seal migh be slightly out of place. does it only do it the once or does it do it when you tilt the tank as well.
close air hole, remove top, fill, close top, open air hole.
Yes all seems to be ship shape seal wise - I only seem to get a little flood straight after filling. No issues when in use or moving about?
close air hole, remove top, fill, close top, open air hole. This sounds like a good idea.
My "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" thinking is saying something to do with the vacuum that is dispelled when the top comes of for filling is dropping the liquid somehow somewhere !? Anyway that looks like something that might work :)
I've noticed I get a glug of juice exiting the airholes pretty much everythime I fill it up?
It's not fresh juice - used/brown everytime?
Any thoughts?

Thank you !
Hi mate. Do you clean your tank each time you change coils?
Also overfilling will cause that after a fill. There needs to be a little gap between the top juice level and fill section. If you go right to the top then when you close the top it will simply force juice into the coil and flood it.
When there is a couple mil of air space, that air can compress creating a buffer, but as liquid doesn't it has nothing else to do than find an escape, through your coil.
Speed is the key here.

Refill quick and get it all screwed back together as quick as you can. No dillydalling!
I always close the airflow fill up replace top cap tilt it upside down then open afc never had any tank leak doing it this way.
Thanks folks ( yes folks cant use "guys " anymore haha!)
Will try these sound good lol when I pick up some new coils.
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