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horrible taste


Nov 9, 2013
everything I am vaping atm tastes like burnt rubber :s is this normal for a couple of weeks in?? its horrid....
Your taste buds do start to go a bit wonky. But burnt rubber, sounds more like an over cooked atty. Have you checked to make sure that you ain't actually burning something rubber.,
just simple ego and ce4 clearomisers, just under a week old,reckon they would have given up by now?
Try a new one and see. Sounds like the Atty is caked up or not getting enough juice.
My first clearo did the same to me a week in- I took it back to the shop, they replaced the gubbins, gave me loads of free kit and apologised profusely.. definitely check your atomiser or change it and see if that helps- or take it back if you bought it from a physical shop!
Try laying it flat and making sure the wicks are fully wet, if that doesn't work then try a new clearo, could be a faulty one or it could be the juice has gunked it up - may even be the juice itself...
My first clearo did the same to me a week in- I took it back to the shop, they replaced the gubbins, gave me loads of free kit and apologised profusely.. definitely check your atomiser or change it and see if that helps- or take it back if you bought it from a physical shop!
unfortunately it was purchased online :s........luckily I ordered spare today :)
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