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How many watts??


May 18, 2014
I have 2 18650 efest IMR batteries which are rates at 30A or 60A pulse for 75 seconds. If these are wired into a mechanical box mod in series how many watts can I safely pull through them?

Then it all disappeared in a cloud...
Which batttery are they ? Purple ? If so i believe the constant is more like 20amp.
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The 2100mah marked 30A are apparently 30A continuous, though they're unknown cells with no markings under the wrapper. The old 2500mah purples marked 35A are rewrapped LG he2's and are 20A continuous. Whichever you have, you should definitely learn some more about batteries before considering a series connection, as without (and to some degree even with) proper precautions it is very easy for things to go wrong. A parallel setup would be much safer and still offer you the same power
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