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Howdy , Eat, sleep ,vape. ( itaste MVP v2)


Mar 15, 2014
Hi to all , noob here , who doesn't get the difference between the volt and amp thing , help !
:welcome2: Only use Mech Mods myself so I can't help you on the VV VW thing i'm afraid but I'm sure some helpful person will be along to fill you in shortly!!!
Hi to all , noob here , who doesn't get the difference between the volt and amp thing , help !

welcome to the planet cinnamon good to see you here -
volts and amps only come into play when you have mech mods because if you try to pull too many amps on your battery and it cant handle it, it can vent for example
if running a 1ohm coil in a mech on a new battery i pull 4.2 amps and if i turn that into a dual coil or 0.5 because the resistance is split i pull 8.4 so can safely do that with 18650 efest reds as they are rated for 10amps i use sony vtc4's that are rated for 30 amps and are one of the safest batteries available for mechs
if unsure use vapecalc where you would enter the resistance and voltage and it will calculate the watts and amps for you.

hope this helps.

could i ask that you sign and support the EFVI initiative to help stop the proposed eu ban on ecigs - www.efvi.eu
thank you.
:welcome1: to POTV

Great advice already given ;)

Also good to have an ohms calculator bookmarked when you are making your own coils like this one here :)
How you getting on with your mpv? Mines great, I'm after a little one now, little pocket one for hidden vape, lol

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