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Howdy everyone from S London!


New Member
Nov 22, 2013
Joined this forum after lurking for a month or so, I'm the only 'proper' vaper amongst my friends and family, so look forward to guidance from the wise ones here on POTV.

Been vaping for 6 months or so, and greatly enjoying it, though not without a certain amount of hurdles. Have given up the 'analogues' (bar the odd rolly everynow and then, usually as a result of running out of liquid or having partaken of various beverges!

I still smoke a pipe and love cheap American and European cigars, in moderation.

Kit currently consists of a Vamo, a couple of generic Egos and a (fantastic) SD Keyring. I tend to prefer cartos and carto tanks as opposed to CE4 type atomiser. I have yet to try a proper rebuildable as yet, but have my eye on the Aga S.

So, thanks for having me. Look forward to getting involved!

Welcome to the planet JK, loads of good advise to be found here. :)

still use the odd cargo now and again, like you never got on with the ce4 types. :)
Hi there and welcome from little old me to the Planet, hope you enjoy your stay :) Put your feet up, grab a coffee and vape away. :welcome1:
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