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I am soooooo lazy!



I just finished off the last of my banana mix and now I need to make more juice. My next mix is going to be swedish fish from Alba Vapours, but I am so cold I seriously don't want to get everything out and mix it! It's all ready changed colour a little bit and smells SO good.

Does anyone ad EM or Sweetener to this?

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Nope, just a straight up mix. I've never dared to mix it with anything incase it changes the dynamic. Mind you I topped up my rta with it the other day and there was some cherry already in there and it was bloody gorgeous :)
Your Inawera Cherry?

Oh man :) ok ok im going to mix now!
is it based on some sort of salmiakki type flavour?
never tried them .. they like wine gums ?
Never had those :)

Theyre like, Lemon, Lime, Orange, and Cherry all together with a sweety fizzy taste. Really nice :) a 10ml bottle from alba is 4.75 i believe with a 10% discount premade... Otherwise i can slap some into a bottle and send to you? I vape 50/50 and this is about 20-22mg nic
nah its cool but thanks for the offer ... Im finding myself not too keen on fruit flavours ... except strawberry! (that grizwolds strawberry ice cream you sent is lush)
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