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Feb 22, 2013
Help please
I bought an iClear30 from vapescape and all it does is leaks from the drip tip?
Its the same if i use it on my Ego twist or Vamo.
I have broken it down and rebuilt it ensuring it is all screwed together correctly and its still the same.
Is there a mod to stop this ?
I have iclear 30's and love them and never had a problem. The only thing I can think of is that you may have it over filled. The fill line says 3ml but in reality it's less than that. You should fill to just BELOW the lower of the two sets of wicks.

Also the drip tip unscrews from the main body. It should have a small rubber o ring and of course be screwed in tightly - if not, it'll leak.

Other than that there's an issue with it and Jason will sort it for you I'm sure.

P.S. - Pretty obvious point but make sure the atty is screwed in tight as well.
thanks for your reply mate. I stripped it down and filled less and bingo
many thanks
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