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Apr 20, 2021
Hey guys. I'm new here and I come from Brazil. I hope everyone is okay. I recently bought my first mod, a Vapelustion Hannya 230w, and also a Blotto Mini atomizer, I liked it a lot, both items, I bought several e-juices, except that my happiness lasted a little more than 1 month. This last weekend my mod presented the message "shorted" and now it does not fire, I'm looking for help with this problem. I'm looking too at the forum for repair tips, if you can help me, I will be very grateful. I hope you are well!
:hello:and :welcome1:to the planet.
Try changing your coil as this could be the problem with your mod shortening.
Hi and welcome to the community. Don't have this RTA personally, but a common problem of shorting is part of the coil coming into contact with the chamber. Could be a coil leg that is not snipped off close enough or the coil set too high.
:hello:and :welcome1:to the planet.
Try changing your coil as this could be the problem with your mod shortening.

Tks mate, I had already tried this part, I do not believe it is a problem in the coil, but I will try again, I may have missed some detail.
Hi and welcome to the community. Don't have this RTA personally, but a common problem of shorting is part of the coil coming into contact with the chamber. Could be a coil leg that is not snipped off close enough or the coil set too high.

the previous building was running smoothly, I cleaned the atomizer with warm water and after a few days it started showing this problem. But I believe it is the mod, he received Too much juice
Remove the tank from the mod and try firing the mod
If the error is still there the problem lies with the mod
If the problem disappeared the error lies with the tank
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