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info on the usa deaths


Jan 15, 2018
does anyone have any information on the first usa death due to vaping? my dads been nagging me about how vaping isn't safe. and how they are dropping like flies in the usa.
Doesn't it strike everyone as convenient that the very first 'vaping related deaths' happen to occur in a country that is militantly antivaping and has been for some time?

Basically, from what I've read and seen, the people who have become ill or died weren't vaping in the way we all do. The overwhelming opinion seems to be they had bought some adapted Juul pods containing a THC based substance created by some back street drug dealer. They played Russian Roulette and lost.

Blaming vaping is basically like blaming the hyperdermic needle for someone overdosing on heroin.
How many people have died through smoking related illnesses during the time vaping has been mainstream !
Plus, it doesn't sound like this person was vaping "proper" ejuice.
Vaping isn't safe, I thought everyone knew that?

Other things aren't safe either though - like lettuce, or sunlight, or oxygen.

And something terrible is dihydrogen monoxide - that stuff'll kill you right dead (water).

But, 1 reported death ever attributed to vaping (dodgy pods containing who knows what substances)


96,000 deaths every single year in Britain from smoking.

Kinda like a loaded dice.
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