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iPV U710 - Small mod musings


Apr 6, 2020
Well, it's been a couple of years since I posted, for reasons, so I thought I'd drop some crabbit auld b*stard musings on my latest acquisition - the IPV/Yihi U710.

It's been a saga trying to find a decent 'Pico' style form factor EDC/Workshop mod, and I have posted a continuing saga on the Swag 2 Upshot - had some niggly failings, is totally bomproof, but doesn't tend to last more than 6 month/ year before board malfunctions and you have to buy another.
(A Target 100 I bought for the wife lasted 2 months before the board failed - seems to be a Vaporesso thing).

Sadly it's becoming harder to find a Swag 2 anywhwere unless you pay through the nose for one. After losing one of my last Swag 2's in a taxi, I looked around elsewhere - enter the IPV U710 which can now be picked upfor £25 A Yihi in Pico Form factor for 25 bills? I'll have that thank you... (how naive)

I won't bore you with the tech details, it's a Yihi SX710 Chip with no TC, and as such 'It just works' which is as things should be.
Power is the usual Soft/ Normal/ Hard basics and custom power curves buried in the idiosyncratic menu - but we don't concern ourselves with that.

What we do concern ourselves with, is that despite being able to accomodate a 25mm tank, none of my daily drivers fit the bloody thing! Why? I'll get to that...

This is a good looking little mod, weight on a par with a Pico and single 18650 - heavier than Swag2 through use of more aluminium alloy - against the Swag's plastics - not terribly heavier though.
It is noticibly small, both to look at, and in the hand. It has some odd angular design elements we've seen elswhere - but no actual hard edges, and so is pretty comfortable in the hand..

The IPV has quite a tall battery cap for a pico-style mod and surprisingly short thread on the body - I reckon they could have stuck another thread turn, or two on there.

Now here is the rub; because it is marginally narrower and shorter than it should be, and because the battery cap is tall in comparison to most others in this style - bubble glasses don't clear the cap.
Got a 25mm with straight glass? Fine it'll take it, 24mm with bubble glass - nope, the bulge in the glass tanks catches the tall screwcap.

What a pain in the arse.

The lighty up display is also a hot mess - just why?
It's big enough, you could fit a lot of good clear info there, but they chose not to, instead used the real estate to cram eye-watering neon 'info bars' offset form one another (for some OCD inducing rage) and it uses random mad fonts and symbols to denote Puff Count Voltage /Resistance and ... Time?

Yes Ladies and Germs, almost half of the screen real estate is reserved for "Puff counts & Time" - because who doesn't want to know precisely how long they have fired their mod for at any given moment amd how many puffs they've taken... no really, who TF needs to know this?

Which of course means that the pretty useless information which nobody ever needs - like say 'Battery Life' - can be dispensed with by squashing it up into the top corner at the side of a nice big banner denoting the Power mode you are in.
Could have settled for a small S/N/H somewhere, but no "NORMAL!' it yells at you from the top of the screen while booting the miniscule battery indicator off stage.

If you think the Swag 2 battery indicator was bad you aint seen nothing, almost literally, you ain't seeing nothing.

You do get to see the power (W) though. That's fair enough, that's big enough and in a nice neutral white (as is the 'power mode' indicator) the rest though is infant faeces neon green and a hint of dirty-protest orangey brown. Sure you can read it, it's clear enough, but you really won't want to look at it to prevent the bile from rising in your gorge and setting youelr eye twitching.

Now covering the display screen itself - this is a belter, you'll love this - is a thin plastic film. Yes, thin enough that you can flex it in and out and within 2 hours of use now has several small dents in it.

Allow me to explain - the front of the mod is solid and a cutout has been made over where the onboard display is.
The whole front of the mod has then been covered in a thin plastic film.
The onboard display is viewed through this mere thin plastic film covering the 'cutout'.

The back is also coated in similar thin plastic film. One day in your pocket, and the front and back of this mod is going to be cratered in pock marks. You might, just might get lucky and the thin film covering the display does not get punctured, but in short order you'll be unable to make out anything on the display anyway, due to optical distortion from all the dents in it.

This mod is a piece hot garbage, thank f*** it only cost me 25 bills. I will however revisit this review after I deliberately kick it up and down the workshop - I don't have buyers remorse, I have buyers rage - I hate this mod and everthing it stands for, and I am going to brutalise it for rank badness until it dies a horrible death.

If it astoundingly stands up to brutality, then maybe, just maybe, it might gain workshop kudos...
I'll be be back


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weird how experiences can vary so much. wonder what's causing the difference.
Does that mean you don't really like it then?
Haha Yeah, you noticed I was on the fence there 😆

Want to shut it off? Press both up/down buttons to emter menu, press 'FIre' to select Shutdown options, up/down to select 'Shutdown On', Fire to confirm shutdown.... WHERE'S MY BLOODY GUN!

No, I loathe it. I loathe the philosophy behind it. I am sick to the back teeth of the crap continually churned out and peddled to us. Every form factor mod has glaring faults after over a decade of solved problems, and well documented issues - some warehouse in China is going to cobble together another piece of garbage and throw it onto the market.

I can be fair and say they initially led the way in some interesting mass produced gear, but there appears to be no Darwininian evolution going on. That very mass production churn, means that gear does not hang about long enough for meaningful sales feedback before the next hot thing is chucked into the mixer and the last ceases production..

Profit? You could keep producing a best seller but nah, why bother.
You developed an excellent feature? Who cares, your R&D will never know, if you produced a lot of garbage - same, rinse and repeat, re-invent the wheel.

Which is why I don't focus on fancy chip features - this is a solved problem -of course it should work! If a board has a feature which doesn't work well, but the rest does - I still mark it as garbage - same across the design board, because the problem was solved why not use the solution?

Also, I am a grumpy old.man, and have a very specific requirement. Sure, this is an adequate mod, it's a nice form factor, and if you can get past its idiosyncracies and it suits your needs, then it is an excellent buy at £25.

First and foremost though I need a mod which can take a beating in a specific small form factor - that's my schtick.
Very few fall into that category, and those which do are flawed elsewhere.

I think however, Easy to read display (Power and Battery foremost) bomproof, and a shelf life of at least one year minimum, easy to carry, intuitive to use, ergonomically pleasing - are just bare minimums which should be implemented across most mods.

Sure, you can sacrifice all the rest on the alter of design, but I'd suggest those are the ones which should be universally retained.
weird how experiences can vary so much. wonder what's causing the difference.
Just specific, personal requirements and preferences and of course some people being a lot (I mean a lot!) grumpier and unforgiving than others....
I quite like mine and have no issues with it.
Yeah, it does work as a mod, I've had no mechanical. issues at all (yet) I like the firing profiles of the Yihi chip, and it's generally not unpleasant to hold and look at (if you don't look at the display)
Have you dented the plastic screen yet? I did mine in under 2 hours and the back is riddled in pock marks - but it is used in a hazardous environment.
Yeah, it does work as a mod, I've had no mechanical. issues at all (yet) I like the firing profiles of the Yihi chip, and it's generally not unpleasant to hold and look at (if you don't look at the display)
Have you dented the plastic screen yet? I did mine in under 2 hours and the back is riddled in pock marks - but it is used in a hazardous environment.
As yet no, but I will now be aware of that.
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