I've been vaping on my iSub tank for a couple of months now and been very satisfied with it. Using it on a iStick 40w TC mod with .5 ohm coils been great, but I've found ni200 coils on amazon so tried those - it's not working great
Mod goes into temp control almost immediately and just not vaping right ... 400 °F to 480°F or 500 even ... not right
It doesn't do that with my other tank (subtank mini with ni200 coils) - I do like the iSub a lot more though and would love it to work
am I doing anything wrong
I've been vaping on my iSub tank for a couple of months now and been very satisfied with it. Using it on a iStick 40w TC mod with .5 ohm coils been great, but I've found ni200 coils on amazon so tried those - it's not working great
Mod goes into temp control almost immediately and just not vaping right ... 400 °F to 480°F or 500 even ... not right
It doesn't do that with my other tank (subtank mini with ni200 coils) - I do like the iSub a lot more though and would love it to work
am I doing anything wrong