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Itaste VTR


Mar 14, 2015
Not being a fan of the latest istick/mvp box batteries I want to stick with my VTR. I love the look and the weight of it. It's why I bought it it in the first place.
But I would like to get more power from it.
Is there a modification I could do to it to up the wattage. 30 max would be enough.
I don't object to completely gutting it and fitting all new internals. But I don't want to start pulling it to pieces if its already been done by someone and I'm just being fanciful.
ok, so a little bit of reading and it looks like a DNA30/40 might be the way to go.
I cant find any dimensions for the current workings in the VTR but unless I can find something then I guess I may be the Guinea pig.
Is anyone other than me interested?
i'd certainly be interested seeing how the project goes,but sadly of no help as i've never made mods but am considering doing one
Comes apart easy enough......but I doubt I could get my soldering iron in there!!!
I may just punt this out, give up and submit to the sigelei/Istick/MVP route. I can strip a modern Japanese hyper sports bike. But I doubt I have the finesse to chisel away at the insides of this bad boy!!
I know @Bladesmansw had stripped one to change the 510 and remove the retaining ring, maybe he can be of some assistance.
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