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Joining the big boys...


Vape Expert @ LeisureLiquids
Oct 15, 2012
...and girls ;)

It has been on the cards for a while now but between a girlfriend with a fussy diet and bad spending (on useless shite) habit, two young kids, an extortionate gas bill and
trying my damn hardest to put every spare penny I can cling on to towards setting up my business (not vaping related).

I finally gave in to temptation this evening after seeing that ****** had the Igo -L back in stock and decided to order one and an Aga+ too :)

Had a good chat with him too and hes a great guy and very helpful. Cheers mate.

I really cant wait to get going with these two. I am currently clinging on to my zombie vivi nova and 306 atty, I call them zombies because even though they still
seem to have some life in them they now look, smell and taste like shit haha
Chucked this one over into the Vendor reviews as it's more suitable there :)

Welcome to the rebuildable crew :) I think yer gonna like it!

Check out the mesh from stealthvape which is getting quite the reputation for being the best available. Loads better than previous industrial grades I have used before.
If you want a good take on 'how to explain away the presence of many shiny things to the mrs' I think todd has some expertise :)
Well my new Aga T+ and Igo L arrived this morning, next day delivery :)

Thanks @***** for the cracking service.

Had a quick play with them both and finally got a half decent wick and coil made up on the Aga T. One thing I have learnt so far is.... oxidize oxidize oxidize lol

I was wondering why I was getting such a bad hotspot then I realised so I took the ss wick out and burnt that mofo to a crisp, problem solved haha
Well my new Aga T+ and Igo L arrived this morning, next day delivery :)

Thanks ***** for the cracking service.

Had a quick play with them both and finally got a half decent wick and coil made up on the Aga T. One thing I have learnt so far is.... oxidize oxidize oxidize lol

I was wondering why I was getting such a bad hotspot then I realised so I took the ss wick out and burnt that mofo to a crisp, problem solved haha


Get some mesh from stealthvape... it requires very little work to oxodize it, stays pliable and the flavour is immense. I have had several types of mesh including from the manufacturer and industrial grades and nothing has worked as easily as Stealths.
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