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Joyetech "joyless" Unimax 25


Feb 27, 2017
Recently made the mistake of getting a Joetech Unimax 25. What a dissapointment this thing is. To look at it looks like a beast that could hold its own against others in its bracket like an Aspire K 4 and so on. Wrong, this this is so underpowered its not funny. Dont expect big clouds and when Joyetech says big flavour, dont believe it. It has multiple o rings which sometimes, especially the bottom tank one, and at times the secondary top tank one decide they dont want to stay put when doing things back up. But the worst is the total lack of anything resembling consistency with the coils. Open a pack up and have a look at the consistency of the thickness of the cotton wicking, appalling. Some nice and thick, some thinner and some you struggle to even see it. And when a skinny one dry hits, whoah its baaad. The coils too are definitely not a match for the battery. With its own tank the coil fires slowly, makes mediocre clouds and so so flavour. But put a Cleito tank on the Uni battery and the coil fires instantly to life creating big clouds and tasty flavour. Check out the picture of the coil inconsistency. There is one that has a good amount of cotton wicking, the other has barely enough room between the coil wire and coil body to fit more than a wafer thin amount of wick. Needless to say that dry hit so harsh it was sickening. The Unimax is rubbish. bad coil again.JPG
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