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Review Joytech Cuboid Tap


Jun 12, 2015
Hi Apes, Todays review is for the Joytech Cuboid Tap. This device was sent to me by James @Healthcabin. So a big thanks to James for sending the device to me, this however will have no influence on my review.

Whats in the box.

1 Cuboid Tap mod
1 usb charge cable for charging or firmware upgrades comes in a box rather than just rolling around.
1 manual
1 battery warning card
1 warning card about turning off the device when not in use
1 warranty card.


Size: 28.0mm*41.0mm*86.0mm
Color: Silver/Black/Red/Yellow/Blue
Output mode: Power/Clock/Temp (Ni, Ti, SS316)/TCR (M1/M2/M3)/USB Charge mode
Features: TAPTECTM/pressure-sensitive/vibration motor/2A QC/power bank/preheat/custom logo/real-time clock
Output range: 1-228W
Depth of 510 pins applicable: 4.0-5.5mm
Resistance range: 0.05-1.5ohm under Temp/TCR mode
0.1-3.5ohm under Power/Clock mode
Temperature control: 100-315 C/ 200-600 F
Battery using: dual married high-rate 18650 cells
(continues discharge current 25A)
Max charging current: 2.0A
Max output current: 50A

So I have been using the tap for about 10 days now. The fire button is good and i have had no problems with it, but thats not the only fire button on the device there's another way to fire this mod and thats why this mod is called the tap, along with the up down buttons theres a big touch pad above the nice large screen. The pad and the up down buttons are all touch sensitive and vibrate when you touch them just like a mobile phone on vibrate mode.
These touchpads can be turned off in the menu which I think had to be part of the mods make up, imagine putting the Tap in your pocket and it making contact with anything, this would have the very big possibility of causing problems. The tap also has a squeeze function where you can squeeze the sides of the mod to alter some settings. I will explain all this in a while.
The fire button and the fire pad both fire instantly the 510 has a gold plated pin and the battery contacts also are gold plated. Batteries go in the bottom of the mod in the same way as the Smok marshal ipv8 and a few other mods.
mentioning IPV mods the 6x is tiny but the Cuboid Tap is slightly smaller in height only 1mm though it is slightly wider and deeper than the IPV 6X but again only a mm or 2. the mod will accommodate 27mm tanks, i have had a tfv12 on with no overhang but a sherman tank has a slight overhang towards the fire button only. All atomizers fit flush.
I will also mention that the up down buttons on my device will function if you press where the usb port is, so again this may just be my device but it can lead to the device accidently pushing up the power and giving a dry or burnt hit.
The Tap is also usable as a power bank if you buy the reverse charge component which fits the Predator and other Eleaf/Joytech/Wismec devices and you can customize your screen avatar.
We have a usb port for firmware upgrades and 2 amp usb charging, i still recommend external charging but at least you have a fast charging usb if you are in a rush to charge your batteries.
One thing i really like about the Tap is you have a large clock on the screen once the device goes into rest from having a vape.
On screen during a vape and just after we have what mode i e power, or tc wire.coil ohms, amps, power setting ,voltage and of course both batteries level indicated.
In TC mode the power is replaced by temp and the voltage is replaced by the power your using in tc mode

Temp control is very good on the Cuboid Tap also and it is programmed with ss ti and ni200 settings as well as tcr settings that you can program in yourself.

The device comes in the following colours I opted for the Yellow for something different and can be purchased as a kit which includes a Procore Aries tank.


Ok lets quickly run through the menu system.

5 presses of the fire button or tap pad will switch the mod on and off.
3 presses will get you into the menu where you use the up and down tap buttons to alter your settings and change which setting to alter. This is basically the same as the Wismec predator and other Joytech mods. and is easy to do.
I will say it can take a short while to get to remember how to at first but that can be said for a lot of mods.
You can also set how long you want the screen to remain active.

We also have the squeeze which is done by squeezing the sides of the mod. But theres 2 Squeeze setting menus one when the mod is on and one when the mod is switched off.

switched on

3 squeezes gives the option to change tcr settings
4 squeezes rotates the screen 180 degrees
5 shows battery voltage

mod switched off

3 presses activates wether you want to lock or unlock the tap buttons.
4 presses gets you into the menu settings
5 presses goes into or out of stealth mode.

The squeeze is a con for me, mine is not functioning at times and also miscounts how many times i have pressed it. In truth i don't really use it anyway as the other tap buttons and menu do the things i need.


1. Nice in the hand
2. large screen
3. clock on screen
4. new innovation regarding the touch buttons
5. fires instantly
6. looks good
7. 2 amp charging


1. Tap tech could be a problem if not switched off when its in your pocket
2. my squeeze doesn't work correctly maybe this is just my device in fairness
3. I would like to have seen the 510 about 3mm more to the centre just to make a little more room for larger diameter atomizers.
4. The up doen buttons working when touching the usb port area.


The Cuboid Tap is a great device with something different to offer with the touch pad tech. I love the large screen and how the device performs. I think if Joytech could change the 510 placing then that would be great. Tap tech won't be for everyone and remember its a new innovation which could be improved and no doubt will.
My main concern is as mentioned if people leave the tap tech on and the pad is to come into contact with anything making it fire this could lead to an incident.
The device works really well in tc modes and firing instantly is a big plus for me
Is it worth getting?, the answer is if you want a small duel 18650 device with something different then yes . If you worry about the tap tech then maybe not, just remember the Taptech can be turned off or even just the large pad at the top can be leaving the up down buttons functioning. Vape quality is excellent and for me thats one of the main things. The large clock is also something i like and offers you the ability of keeping an eye on the time ie you are on a lunch break at work you can keep an eye on how long you got to vape before you need to return to work

Healthcabin asked me to put a link to the product in my review so here it is if you want to check it out

Thanks for reading my review. See you next time.

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