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Juice Strengths


Feb 28, 2013

A bit of advice please ;-)

While I'm waiting for my starter kit to arrive,I'm making do with an el cheapo lookalike e-cig.I didn't want to waste my time buying another 5 pack of less than generously pre-filled cartomizers,so opted to top them up with some vanilla pre-mixed juice from the Totally Wicked Patriot range. Being new,I have no idea what's good and what's bad. Maybe I made a poor choice or it's just down to my shoddy equipment! I know these carys aren't really meant to be refillable anywat. Damn,it's harsh now....and I just switched from roll up ciggies ;-) Cigarettes are more enjoyable than this,but I refuse to go and buy them!!

Questions....Are some juices,regardless of nicotine content,just stronger than others and if so please could anybody recommend a consistently smooth pre-mix brand? Perhaps darker mixes tend to be heavier and clearer juices lean more towards the lighter end of the scale? I'm guessing that pretty much any e-cig of higher quality than your average cigarette lookalike type is going to deliver a smoother smoke from the word go. Would I be correct in that assumption? Are the lookalikes jus plain rough on the throat? There's a burning taste creeping in there....yeeeeeuuuuk :-(

Thanks peeps ;-)
As a very new vaper myself I don't have much experience with different juices but I can tell you that the difference between the cigalikes and a good PV are night and day. It also depends on the nicotine content and mix of PG and AG in the juice, The more nicotine and PG the bigger the throat hit. I found 24mg juice too strong with a burning throat hit but when I diluted it with some AG it mellowed right out. If you get a VV you can dial it up or down to your liking also. Which starter kit did you buy?
As above your kit should be worlds apart from the cigalikes most juices are a 70/30 pg vg which is a nice balance of vape and throat hit, but once you've got your kit just try different juices from differant places you soon find one you find yourself keep going back to
It will be easier for the good folks here to give you recommendations if we know what sort of flavours you like as some companies are better at sweet, some are better at tobacco etc. personally I mix my own so am no expert on ready mixed but there are plenty of people here with more knowledge of these things.
Thanks for your replies. Quite reassuring!:-) The cigalikes are a novelty that wears off fast! Damn, they get harsh after a week.

I was waiting for a localish supplier to get new stock of a dual 900mAh ego kit with CE4s but today I found out that Safercigs are based ten minutes up the road,so I'm heading there today. I suppose I'll go for a similar setup.

I prefer sweeter flavours,but not sickly sweet,if you know what I mean. I smoked cappucino shisha (nargile) in cafes in Turkey for four years but I found it a tad strong and headachy sometimes. Now and then I had apple and strawberry,but they were void of throat hit despite being tobacco based (along with god knows what else!).

So for me it's probably hazelnutty,coffee,honey,caramel,vanilla type flavours really. Berry fruits also sound very appealing. Tropical fruits,minty things and banana don't appeal.

Please can anyone recommend any good sweet premixed juices? My ideal nicotine strength is 10 or 12mg,or even lower.....but not zero.....yet ;-)

Thanks guys :-)
Check out alchemists cupboard or waves of vapour loads of lovely juices all british homemade too order for starters but there are loads of vendors out there
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