This review is my own opinion and reflects in no way on the views of POTV or vendors and manfacturers.
Kamry K100 R
Vendor: The Best Shop Eire
Price: 35 euros
This mod comes in tube only with a safety fuse. Got this in my vapemail a few days ago and I have to say I a impressed so far with this mechanical mod. I know there are video reviews of this out there calling it the empire clone but I thought I would give some input here. This is quite a heavy device for its size, it is fully telescoping taking either 18650, 18490/18500 or 18350 batteries and in 18350 mode it you can almost hide it in the palm of your hand (I suppose it looks cute). The outer coloured tube is aluminium with the inner tube appearing to be polished stainless steel and as I said is actually heavier than you would expect. The Kamry K100 R has a bottom firing button with a reverse threaded locking ring to stop misfiring and a fuse included to put at the top of you battery so it is possible to use IMR batteries as well as protected ones. It is also possible to use a kick in 18350 or 19490/18500 mode for those who like some control over power output. The top has a 510 connecter and a skirt thread but will not fit Kanger T3 attys also there are 3 air holes for bottom air flow attys. The unit is well vented with 3 vent holes at the base as well as another 3 on the telescoping section. It works well with lower ohm coils but always remember to only use quality protected batteries or the fuse with sub ohm coils as being fully mechanical means you have no protection, the Kamry mod is not for the beginner but for those who want an entry level mech mod. This mod vapes very well and although I haven't measured output seems to have little voltage drop under load. I obtained mine from the vendor above who have a nice selection of attys devices etc, it took 3 days for the delivery to get here but was very well wrapped and protected against damage in transit. Alltogether a good looking fully mechanical mod I would say it worth trying.