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Review Kamry kick ii (variable voltage module)


Mar 10, 2013
So first of all my opinions are my opinions and nobody elses, certainly not the opinions of anyone else on this forum nor Planet Of The Vapes, you can like them or not, agree or disagree but they still remain my opinions - true, honest and accurate as I can possibly be... take that as you will...

So first of all no I'm not reviewing the beautiful and lovely Nemesis (albeit clone) below, but before I do start, I will say its the closest version to a 1:1 polished stainless steel variant I've seen.. so there! Anyone interested in being pointed in the direction of where you can purchase one, just ask.. for limited time only.


The actual review is on whats inside this beasty! Its something which has opened up a whole new world to me outside of the precious ProVari that came before it, that I have clung to for so, so long now. Yes, I know, its not the be all and end all for everyone, but it has been my life blood until this moment.

I need to provide you with some background so bear with me whilst I put some potentially questionable points across. I've tried variable voltage mods from all over, Vamos (many types), Zmax (many types), Vmax (many types), Evic, Twists, Lavatubes... so on and so forth. The problem is none of them deliver power the way a ProVari does (IMO) something to do with the frequency and stability of the electronics. Now before you say anything, I'm not investing a whole heap of money in to analysis and technology to do so, presenting a whole load of diagrams and charts to demonstrate the truth, its out there if you wish to find it, but what I can say is having used all the above, the others don't seem to maintain the power levels the same, they seem to drop over time, there seems to be a limit to what increasing the voltage does on other devices (with a single battery) and to keep things simple it just doesn't seem the same to me, but that's me.

Now, I'm about to show you a module that some of you will have seen, no doubt, but some of you might say it's a 'Kick', could be from Sigelei, could be from Evolve or from one of the others that do it too. But you would be wrong or right, its a Kamry... but, and a big BUT for me, its not a Variable Wattage version its a Variable Voltage version. Why?

So, some might question why VV when the trend is VW, the answer is that for me I don't want VW, I want VV, so when I saw this I got excited and dribbled slightly at the potential, whilst feeling some what nervous at the same time, concerned that it might just deliver the same experience as those already said & experienced VV/VW devices.

Why VV and not VW, its simple to me, because I don't want the module controlling what power I deliver to my attie, I want to decide - reason, if I want to blow my head off that's my choice! I'm not bothered about the ability to switch between different cartomisers, atties and such that have different resistance, I know what resistance they are and if I don't, I check or start at a lower voltage and gauge from that - yeah bit of a faff taking the top of my mod to adjust the voltage levels but to be honest I wouldn't do it that often because I know the resistance of the atomisers I use.

Right, I've said my piece so here it is in all its splendor & glory!



The bit I was concerned about is how it would deliver the power, how it would feel, would it compare well with what I think is a good vape using the same tops as I use everyday. The honest answer is it does, I tested it fairly and squarely in the nemesis against the ProVari and volt for volt the output experienced was the same... so I'm in heaven and now have beauty and brains... and a nice new mech mod with variable voltage... delicious!!

It's still not quite there with my ProVari for top end voltage as it only goes to 5 volts, but who cares... not me, I'm not that interested in the extra volt these days and 5 volts is plenty enough to ruin my throat for the day.

With the Kamry (Kick II) Variable Voltage Module it does also deliver a host of other benefits for your mech mod too.. safety being a key feature... (safety prevents us ruining our beautiful mechanical mods by preventing shorts and melt downs.. its also useful to stop our teeth been blow out of our face backwards...)

So here is some stuff that the vendor says that I guess comes from Kamry.

The Kamry Kick 2:

The Kamry Kick 2 is new module to add variable voltage to mechanical models or AVPs.
The Kick 2 is an additional module that allows any 18650 based mechanical switch mod to function as a variable voltage.
The Kick 2 is designed to fit inside most 18650 and telescopic style APV battery tubes with use of 18350, 18490 & 18500 IMR type batteries.
Change any Mechanical model to Variable Voltage mod
Directly adjust the voltages: 3V to 5V
2 Negative pole pins for steady performance
Used for any telescope or mech mod
Protects battery from short-circuit and low resistance

Its available from FRESHi on http://www.freshiuk.co.uk/mods/86-kamry-kick-ii-protection-chip.html

It cost me the grand total of £12.95 with free shipping. Was it worth it, damn right! If you like to be in control with the flexibility of variable voltage it's an easy decision, then again if your wife wears the trousers then maybe go for a variable wattage - we are all used to our way of life and that's good, its our choice..

:grin2: - Just a little note to those that make the comment that they can build their own coils to spec and don't need VV/VW... I'll pay a pretty penny for a coil that lowers its resistance as your battery drains!!!
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nice write up....i use a kick daily and love it...mine are the sigelei ones so was tempted by this....i say was as now the site says out of stock :(....but it is a great price and the two prongs will help with continuity in the tube i should imagine :)
nice write up....i use a kick daily and love it...mine are the sigelei ones so was tempted by this....i say was as now the site says out of stock :(....but it is a great price and the two prongs will help with continuity in the tube i should imagine :)

It sits solid as a rock with a little neo magnet on the bottom, works bloody brilliantly! I had a kick previously albeit version one which was a sod for side ways action. The two pins are great at holding it in place even if slightly annoying when getting it out of the threads but that is about the only downside.. hopefully they will be getting more in to stock, I only need another five or six and that should be me done :)
Very good reviewy thing. I saw a review on this before from Todd, he pointed out that if you have a mod with courser threading, it can be a pig & get trapped between threads.... He also noticed that it looks a bit like the starship enterprise from a certain angle ! Wonders never cease.
Nice review. If you like VV contact JimmyJack on the forum. He makes a VV box mod which is superb.

Has the qualities of a provari in my opinion, but at an exceptional price point.

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
Thanks. I should have mentioned that I once owned a Stig VV box mod with boost which did performs beautifully! But I still love the flexibility this little gadget gives me, but the main thing is the choice of mechanical mods I now have the option of purchasing.... 'errrmmm' ....thinking about it, that might be bad... best send a advance apology to the bank....

Sent from my iPad using Planet of the Vapes
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