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Review Kanger KBOX 70W mod


Apr 4, 2016
tl;dr: My KBOX 70 arrived yesterday and so far I'm very happy with it.

The KBOX is my first box mod. I started vaping around 6-8 weeks ago. I did a bunch of research and eventually settled on a Kanger Subvod kit which I was very happy with, in spite of the fragility of the black paint finish.

I pretty quickly wanted something with a little bit more control and a better battery life. I was finding that I had to charge the subvod's 1300mAh battery every day.

I had a pretty short list of features I was looking for

  • High capacity built-in battery, I don't know enough about batteries and battery safety yet, and didn't want to have to bother with an external charger for a double battery mod
  • Reasonably future-proof. For me this meant: high-ish power, spring loaded 510 so I can change tanks and not worry, solid build quality.
  • USB charging on the side of the device, the Subvod has the charge port on the bottom, which meant I had to lay the tank down to charge. This was fine after I got used to it, but initially I had a few leaking problems when the air was open and things weren't screwed in correctly.
  • Not massively expensive, the eternal balance between decent and affordable ;)

I searched around and narrowed down the choice to either the KBOX 70 or the Innokin Coolfire IV plus, and eventually settled on the KBOX. The things that sealed the deal were the bigger battery, slightly cheaper price, and the temperature control, which falls under the 'future proofing' category for me; I don't use it yet but I might want to.

Otherwise they're pretty similar, both 70W with VV/VW modes, they both look pretty sweet, and they both have spring loaded 510's

I bought the black & white KBOX and it looks great, I love the aesthetic. It feels comfortable in the hand due to the weight, and the curved edges, the paint finish is satin so it's easy to get a grip on. I'm hoping it'll last longer than the paint on the subvod, which is looking pretty beat up after a month or so in my pocket.

I like that the screen is hidden in the black bar down the middle of the device until it's on. The white one has white text in the screen, unlike the black or the red models, which have red text. The text is bright and easy to see even though the screen is quite small and I've not had any problem reading it so far.

A few specs:

It fires from 7-70W in 0.5W increments, and can draw up to 30A of current. It can handle resistances down to 0.1Ω in TC mode with temps of 100°C-300°C. It's got a built-in 4000mAh battery. I've been using it with the toptank nano from my subvod and it performs great. I had a 0.5Ω coil in my tank, which needed replaced this morning, so I replaced it with a 1.5Ω coil and the mod handles them both great, I just increased the power a bit for the higher resistance.

There are a couple of things that are less great about this mod. Firstly the buttons are plastic and they do rattle a little, pbusardo mentioned this in his Youtube review, but I found in daily use it's nowhere near as noticeable as it is in his video; I just hope they don't break...

Secondly, changing the power is sloooow. You feel like you're holding the buttons for ages just to go up or down a few 10's of Watts. This isn't really a problem for me as I don't jump all over the place, just set it occasionally depending on coil and juice, but it is noticeable.

Thirdly, it's not as stable when standing on it's base as I'd hoped, it's 22mm wide and I don't have any base for comparison but I was hoping it wouldn't rock when I put it down. It stands up fine, and I have to give the table a pretty hard thwack to make it fall over, so not a deal breaker yet, but might be when I get a bigger tank on it.

Lastly I feel like this is firing a bit higher than it says. Take this with a pinch of salt because I haven't actually tested anything, but I transferred by tank (with a 0.5Ω coil) from my Subvod to the KBOX and set it to 27.5W which is what the Subvod fires at (it has a fixed voltage battery at 3.7V, again not tested just going by what the manual says). At 27.5W the KBOX produces warmer vapour than the Subvod battery using the same tank and juice. Not by much, and certainly not a deal breaker for me just something to be aware of.


All in all, I'm really happy with this mod so far, it does pretty much everything I want it to. Would I buy it again if it broke tomorrow? Probably not because that would mean it only lasted a day ;)

I'll try and remember to update this review when I've road tested it for a couple of months.


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Nice write-up, really enjoyed reading it. :)

Just one thing;

I had a 0.5Ω coil in my tank, which needed replaced this morning, so I replaced it with a 1.5Ω coil and the mod handles them both great, I just increased the power a bit for the higher resistance.

In Power mode (Wattage), you would lower the power, to account for a higher resistance, rather than increase it. Eg, If you vaped the 0.5ohm coil at 27w, when switching to the 1.5ohm coil, you'd lower it.

Typical wattage range for a 1.5ohm coil would be 10-20watts.

I think the Kanger OCC 1.5ohm coil would taste extremely hot at 27w, and would burn out pretty quickly.
Nice write-up, really enjoyed reading it. :)

Thank you, I enjoyed writing it :)

In Power mode (Wattage), you would lower the power, to account for a higher resistance, rather than increase it. Eg, If you vaped the 0.5ohm coil at 27w, when switching to the 1.5ohm coil, you'd lower it.

Typical wattage range for a 1.5ohm coil would be 10-20watts.

I think the Kanger OCC 1.5ohm coil would taste extremely hot at 27w, and would burn out pretty quickly.

Gah. You're absolutely right. I must have had a brain-fart while writing that. I'm looking at it now and I'm running it at 18.5W with the 1.5ohm. Thanks for the correction.
Thank you, I enjoyed writing it :)

Gah. You're absolutely right. I must have had a brain-fart while writing that. I'm looking at it now and I'm running it at 18.5W with the 1.5ohm. Thanks for the correction.

Lol, no worries. My brain is in a constant state of perpetual brain fart! 18.5w will be a nice vape with the 1.5ohm coil. The Kanger SOCC Clapton coils are supposed to have great flavour too, although I've not personally tried them.
Yeah, the flavour is nice and satisfying, but again, I'm pretty inexperienced so I don't have much of a base for comparison yet, I've only used Kanger tanks and coils so far.
Yeah, the flavour is nice and satisfying, but again, I'm pretty inexperienced so I don't have much of a base for comparison yet, I've only used Kanger tanks and coils so far.

Next step will be a Kayfun Mini v3 or Taifun GT II clone ...... the flavour will knock your socks off!
Haha. I've got a Geekvape Griffin in the post which will hopefully be arriving tomorrow :D Really looking forward to see what I can do with that.
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