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Kanger Protank 2


Oct 5, 2013
Hi All,

I have been using the Kanger Protank 2 for a few months now and love it. It will be my last tank atty as I am awaiting a nemesis and will be moving to that with an IGO-W RDA.

The problem I am having is that every time I switch devices with my protank it fails to work when I return it to my original device. I can run it on my Vape Pro, then switch it to an iTaste v3 or Chi You mod and it works fine. If i take it off and put it back on my Vape Pro it will not fire. Weird or what - any ideas?

Any help greatly appreciated.


maybe the centre pin is being pushed up and its not making contact with the battery correctly. i had this and was advised to take the coil out and pull the pin out a little..... it work for me. the pin will get pushed back up enough when you screw it on the the device. hope this may help.
The coil on the protank probably needs screwing in a little further into the protank 510 lump.
maybe the centre pin is being pushed up and its not making contact with the battery correctly. i had this and was advised to take the coil out and pull the pin out a little..... it work for me. the pin will get pushed back up enough when you screw it on the the device. hope this may help.

What he said.
Exactly the same problem and cured it the way breakbystealth mentions. I found teasing the bottom pin out with a pin or similar just so that it is proud of the bottom of the base. It was then a matter of putting light pressure of the base onto a flat surface so the pin and bottom of the base were sitting dead flush. One thing I also noticed is that when I recoiled the protank for the first time I just stuck in one of the coils that I had previously made up in advance. Once filled and placed on the SVD I was getting 0ohms. Thinking that the I had messed it up I replaced it with another pre made coil, agin the same thing. This happened with four other coils that I had made but knew were fine as they had been tested in an evod base. Digging out the original head that was just temporarily soaking in some vodka prior to dismantling. This was when I noticed the bottom pin which came with the original head in the Protank was slightly smaller in diameter and was slightly longer. I made up another coil using the original head and it worked straight away. I think we have to accept that there are a lot of tolerance differences between all these bits we use, dependant on where they have been manufactured.

Exactly the same problem and cured it the way breakbystealth mentions. I found teasing the bottom pin out with a pin or similar just so that it is proud of the bottom of the base. It was then a matter of putting light pressure of the base onto a flat surface so the pin and bottom of the base were sitting dead flush. One thing I also noticed is that when I recoiled the protank for the first time I just stuck in one of the coils that I had previously made up in advance. Once filled and placed on the SVD I was getting 0ohms. Thinking that the I had messed it up I replaced it with another pre made coil, agin the same thing. This happened with four other coils that I had made but knew were fine as they had been tested in an evod base. Digging out the original head that was just temporarily soaking in some vodka prior to dismantling. This was when I noticed the bottom pin which came with the original head in the Protank was slightly smaller in diameter and was slightly longer. I made up another coil using the original head and it worked straight away. I think we have to accept that there are a lot of tolerance differences between all these bits we use, dependant on where they have been manufactured.

Thanks I will give that a try. I think I have binned 3 heads now thinking I had shorted them out.

maybe the centre pin is being pushed up and its not making contact with the battery correctly. i had this and was advised to take the coil out and pull the pin out a little..... it work for me. the pin will get pushed back up enough when you screw it on the the device. hope this may help.

Cannot see my earlier response of thanks.

Cheers for the help. Will try it and see if it does the trick.
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