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Kanger TOPBOX Mini Platinum Starter kit


New Member
Feb 25, 2016
Hello everyone,

I hope you can help me!

I am in love with this device. Had it delivered yesterday. My only concern is the amount of time it takes for the coil to begin to even heat up! I press the button and then begin inhaling but it takes just under 3 seconds for the power to hit the coil. Is this normal?

I have tried all the coils that came with the device and tried all the different modes, TC, Watts etc...

Any ideas? Is it faulty? Is this normal?

I previously had a Subox Mini and that was instant!
a word of warning first. https://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/...hreads/new-users-buying-tc-mods-beware.99689/
if you are trying all the different modes like wattage and TC just make sure you only use Ni200 (nickel) or titanium coils in TC mode only.

what ohm coils have you tried and at what wattage.

one of my early isticks took about 1 second before you heard it fizzle but not heard of a 3 second delay before.

did you prime the coils first by dripping juice on all the holes and down the centre of the coil.

if you bought it online from the uk it might be worth phoning the supplier but if you bought it from china then good luck as you will get offered $5 as a consolation.
What coil, what resistance, what wattage?
Seems very strange, especially if you have a su box so presumably you have an idea how they work...!
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