A bit of a spring clean.
First up;
Kayfun Lite Plus SOLD;
(RRP £49.95) Good condition, includes the drip tip, nano kit, glass kit.etc
- £35 Paypal inc. RMSD.
UD Goblin v1.2;
(RRP £28) Also good condition, includes the spare parts.etc
- £15 PayPal inc. RMSD
Nitecore Intellicharger i2;
(RRP £15.99) More information - http://charger.nitecore.com/product/intellicharger-i2
Also includes 2 x AW 800mAh 18350 (RRP £7.99 each), maybe used around 15 times so still hold a strong charge.
- £10 PayPal in. RMSD
Thanks for looking.
First up;
Kayfun Lite Plus SOLD;
(RRP £49.95) Good condition, includes the drip tip, nano kit, glass kit.etc
- £35 Paypal inc. RMSD.
UD Goblin v1.2;
(RRP £28) Also good condition, includes the spare parts.etc
- £15 PayPal inc. RMSD
Nitecore Intellicharger i2;
(RRP £15.99) More information - http://charger.nitecore.com/product/intellicharger-i2
Also includes 2 x AW 800mAh 18350 (RRP £7.99 each), maybe used around 15 times so still hold a strong charge.
- £10 PayPal in. RMSD
Thanks for looking.
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