Wanted Kayfun mini 2.1 preferably authentic but will consider a decent clone like an Infinite.
Also if anyone has any GVC 6mg they no longer want I will gladly take it off their hands.
+1 Cannot really fault the ivogo version. Might be a bit of a wait for a genuine as they are not made now. All kayfun minis take a bit of practice filling but well worth it.
+1 Cannot really fault the ivogo version. Might be a bit of a wait for a genuine as they are not made now. All kayfun minis take a bit of practice filling but well worth it.
I use the top fill method, holding my finger/thumb over the air hole, then after putting the top back on, turn it upside down and remove finger/thumb, sometimes I get a little flooding/leaking, but that is cured by vaping horizontally/leaving it horizontal, air hole up for a few vapes, until you get rid of the flooding/leaking.