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Khazi Mod (Shit box)


Nov 17, 2015
Got a delivery today from @Seedy - put my first usable mod together. She's a thing of beauty (sarcasm).

I knew I was going to make mistakes and learn a lot, so I've made it out of the cheapest parts money can buy - so much of it didn't come from The Modmaker.


510 and HexOhm 3 board from Fasttech: £7ish
Nasty Chinese 1590b from Ebay: £2.50
Sled from @sledzuk: £3.50
Button from Modmaker: £1.40
Voltmeter: £2.89

Not totally finished. Going to revisit the wiring, and mount the pot - turned out it needed a 10k pot, not the 200 I'd ordered - so had to scavenge one from the parts bin.

But, there is a certain satisfaction vaping on a box you built yourself. Especially when your vaping DIY juice, and supping homebrewed beer...

If I could afford a CNC machine, I'd have made the Atty...
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Lol, needs a bit of a tidy, but I bet you're chuffed to bits! ;)

I have an epipe I converted from a tobacco pipe and an ego connector - juice somehow tastes slightly sweeter on it! :D
Lol, needs a bit of a tidy, but I bet you're chuffed to bits! ;)

I have an epipe I converted from a tobacco pipe and an ego connector - juice somehow tastes slightly sweeter on it! :D
Pics or it never happened ;)
It is, though I have an all-metal Aerotank mini on it now, which works better. :)

I'm sorry to have posted on your thread - please post pics of your box when you work on it as I intend to try building one myself at some point! :)
...just realised: Didn't mean to suggest that this was for use on the toilet. My surname is Carss - which at school was modified to "carzy" - as in "Oi, Carzy" - so I ended up using Khazi as a nick name. Andy by "shit box" I meant that it wasn't very good..
I am really glad to see you have made a mod, in two ways.

One, you have accomplished something great, and I feel you have done really well. I wouldn't say it is a "shit box", if it is your first ever build, I would class it as much more than that, special even :).

The second reason was to do with the name-me and a friend have been talking about something, he will know as soon as he reads this comment what I mean ;), I was glad it wasn't what I at first thought it to be lol.
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