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kick in fast tech private v2?


Feb 23, 2014
my private v2 from fast tech arrived the other day. just wondering if anyone has used a kick in theirs?
my private v2 from fast tech arrived the other day. just wondering if anyone has used a kick in theirs?

As long as you don't mind not being able to get it out again. I just tried it.

Unfortunately, I do mind :(
As long as you don't mind not being able to get it out again. I just tried it.

Unfortunately, I do mind :(

that sucks man, thanks for trying though. is it an evolv kick you've got or a fasttech one?
FT. Actually I don't care much abour the Kick and if I have to destroy it to get it out, I will. With an Evolv I'd kill the mod instead.

Sent from a phone. Probably.
Just take the top cap off and push it out with something.
I don't really think a kick would work too well in a Private mech unfortunately. Still one of my fav mechs though :)
Just take the top cap off and push it out with something.

Slaps head. I didn't realise the top cap came off. It didn't on my alu/brass one so I never thought to investigate this (SS/brass) one.


Which changes my recommendation. It'll work just fine. But I don't find the 12 or so watts it can produce satisfying these days and it won't fire with most of the atties I have here - I think only one of them is above 1 ohm.
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there's a fast tech 15w one now. i'm new to mech mods, only had it a week. i'm used to vaping at 10w using either a protank 2 or aerotank with 1.6-1.8ohm coils. i bought the v2 clone along with a trident clone and an igo m clone. i built a nice .6 ohm dual coil in the trident and a daft .28 ohm quad coil in the igo m. the trident knacked almost straight away so all i have is the igo which is no good for mouth to lung hits imho. i'd just like to be able to stick a protank or something on it for when i'm out and about. B1mble what size battery did you try it with?
there's a fast tech 15w one now. i'm new to mech mods, only had it a week. i'm used to vaping at 10w using either a protank 2 or aerotank with 1.6-1.8ohm coils. i bought the v2 clone along with a trident clone and an igo m clone. i built a nice .6 ohm dual coil in the trident and a daft .28 ohm quad coil in the igo m. the trident knacked almost straight away so all i have is the igo which is no good for mouth to lung hits imho. i'd just like to be able to stick a protank or something on it for when i'm out and about. @B1mble what size battery did you try it with?

18350. The tube isn't long enough for 18650s with the Kick and I don't own any 18500s. It ought to be fine with an 18500 and a Kick.

I don't normally use 18350s as the usable capacity is too limited for my taste, nor can I use my preferred low resistance atomisers. With an 18350 and a Kick and Taifun GT (Only atty I have coiled sbove an ohm) it's still longer than an Origin/Aqua with an 18650.
Here it is with a Trident clone on it (18350+Kick) next to an FT Aqua / Origin hybrid in 18650.
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