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Kraken Crystal Menth


Mar 17, 2015
Crystal Menth was one of my goto flavours and ive been trying to reproduce it, but im not even close tried spearmint, peppermint, custard, vanilla, menth crystals, and em, in various combinations but something is missing, its just not right.

Has anyone had a go at reproducing this, for those whove tried it what flavours am i missing that you taste?
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I'd be interested too, I love the original. Maybe some sweet cream. I would guess at peppermint, menthol and sweet cream (or similar), ratios would have to be experimented with.

I could very well be wrong, I normally am!
Hmmm have some cream will give that a go!

To me it's very smooth, I would guess that would be a cream or butter or marshmallow or something, to round it off! please keep us posted if you get results. I might have a go at something next time all the mixing gear is out.
Wow can deffo recommend to menthol lovers 6 drops of menthal cyrstal solution in your normal minty mix in a 1.6ml tank, mind clearing!

need to tone down a wee bit n add sweetness!
Tried ccw cream at vey low percentage (1%) but very overpowering and imho not right. custard seems to be more in tune but need to get balance right against menthol.
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