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Feb 22, 2014
Hi everyone,

I've seen a lot of comments about lanyards for vapers who drive and want to vape at the same time, as well as for other reasons. I wanted to get one as I'm a wheelchair user and need my hands to push myself the majority of the time, so the EVOD gets balanced in my lap or in a pocket and I dread the thought of it falling and getting run over and/or broken, so I looked into lanyards.

I saw that they have a lot for eGo and there is one in the marketplace that I have my eye on, but it doesn't say whether it fits the Kanger EVOD. I tried to google to see if I could find one or an answer as to whether they would and got mixed results. The only ones they had you had to bulk buy, or came from the US for an expensive shipping fee...so I want to try to buy local and came across the eGo lanyard from Cig Juice..great price, but I don't want to buy if it won't allow me to use my EVOD whilst in the lanyard or if it doesn't fit.

I know it's a dumb question from a newbie, but will it fit? Also, is there any reason why the item won't let me choose a colour and therefore won't let me add to cart? Sorry, I know it's dumb... :banghead: :noob:

Thanks for any help

Joey :newhere:
If you just mean you're using an evod on an ego battery then yes it will, if you're using the kanger evod batteries (the evod kits) then send me your details and I'll send you one of mine to try out
hi joey...i have a few in varying colours or patterns left and would be happy to send one or more down to you F.O.C :)
I've been looking for one for my Itaste VV V3-I often go out all day with my dog and never take a handbag-I'm always wary about just sticking it in my jeans pocket in case whilst clambering over the hills (we spend hours up on the Medips) it breaks/falls out.I'm usually in a hoodie and it tends to fall out of my pocket if I'm not careful-I nearly lost my old ego that way.

The ones I've seen,I'm not sure if they'll fit my current set up
Most ego battery lanyards fit over the button and are locked into place by the atomiser, they are cheap and cheerful little additions really and I find them invaluable.
If you just mean you're using an evod on an ego battery then yes it will, if you're using the kanger evod batteries (the evod kits) then send me your details and I'll send you one of mine to try out

No, it's a Kanger EVOD, thank you I will PM you now!
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