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LATEST:Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control


Jul 13, 2012
This is the link to the "Journal" and minutes on what happend yesterday.

Things to look out for:

Seventh meeting of Committee A 15:00 – Hall D2, level 3F
Item 6
Treaty instruments and technical matters
Item 6.5 Control and prevention of smokeless tobacco products and electronic nicotine delivery
Documents FCTC/COP/5/12 and FCTC/COP/5/13

If you go to page 4 entitled "Report of meetings on Thursday 15 November 2012" Published today (16.11.12)

All the meetings have been reported except, guess what The Seventh Meeting! (the 8th meeting hast either, but that was a procedural meeting)

Question why has it not been reported? Send for Mullder and Scully!

Why can't they just accept that vaping is more effective for people wanting to kick or reduce tobacco use than anything else, l smoked 30+ aday and tried all the pills and potions my doc could throw at me, my ego twists and kangers (a little help from mini vivi's but disappointed with those) stopped me inside 2 weeks, ok with a couple of slips and one was leaving my pv at home, but l'm off the death sticks hopefully for good, banning them is as bad as saying stinkies are acceptable ie a slow death (possibly) but a healthy alternative is not, where's the sense ?????
There are 2 things I dislike about that link
1) the sustainable Alternatives to tobacco growing
2) Control and prevention of smokeless tobacco products and Electronic nicotine Delivery systems
Does this mean they are trying to find green alternatives for growing more tobacco to keep those tax dollars (pounds) rolling in whilst banning ecigs so that we are forced back into smoking and keeping the smoking cycle going? Maybe it is time to think of stocking up after all.
Good News?Item 6.5 Control and prevention of smokeless tobacco products and electronic nicotine delivery systems Following presentations of the reports contained in documents FCTC/COP/5/12 and FCTC/COP/5/13 by the Convention Secretariat, the Committee discussed the topics. The item remained open.
Thanks for posting.
We need to flood these people with protest.
What's to prevent? The chance of living a few extra years? The loss of income for big tobacco, pharmaceutical companies and the governments?
Its a scandal that WHO dont hold the meeting in an honest open and upfront way and release the results after the meeting,it only leads to speculation of what are they trying to hide (or hiding behind)
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