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Lavatube (black)

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Staff member
Jul 10, 2012
I feel the need to get a v1 black LT and decorate it. Anybody got one going rusty in a box somewhere?
i have two broken ones :) the husband might let go of his, his is fixable, mine isn't
lmao hey you said rusty! It is fixable if you have a soldering iron... i don't hence why it isn't fixed :P
Yea gods! 2 broken ones, they that easy to break?
I practically gave mine away to a UKV newbie...a tenner...and I paid PayPal fees and postage ..he got a bargain..he was very grateful though so I basked in my generosity ..i believe in karma but i'm still waiting for that free Provari...
We've had our LT's since early February, common problem is the top cap at the 510 connection glueing and coming off. Hence, ours dropped enough times the glue came undone. Not being gentle caused the wires to pop out :)
The switches are of a very simple and unsuitable design and very vulnerable to dust / dirt ingress - mine went weird and then stopped working. Sent it to someone who had damaged the top fitting on his.
I painted mine, I sprayed it audi red and did the end caps and buttons gold.
I gave it 3 really wet coats and it came out fine. I didn't clear coat it as I wanted to be able to take it off easily if I got bored.

Give it a good scuff first before painting though. Some 240 wet and dry to get the most off then just tickle it with some 600 to smooth it up a bit.

Will see if I can find pics if mine when it was painted
Did you just use standard spray paint Darth? Would love to see the pictures!
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