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Jul 26, 2012
Whhoooooaa! Yes, another run of the mill FT post. Packet of odds and sods ordered on 22nd Feb, and landed on my doormat this morning! My quickest delivery ever, but, of course, no free lunch, seeing as stuff ordered on 6th of Feb is still sitting, bored witless, on a pallet, somewhere between Asia and our fair Island. I love the intrigue and suspense, though, spending a few quid doesn't get any more entertaining.
Lessons learned from fast tech: never order more than 1 item at a time. If one item is on restock, they will hold the whole shipment. 2. If you haven't heard or seen any progress before 30 days, ask why. They will not refund any money after 30 days. 3. E - ticket shipment are so far, the fastest. (By a day or two) 4. Customs Suck. Ain't no way to get around it. 5. Last but not least. Never, ever, deal with Singapore post. They just piss people off.
Lucky for some! I ordered right at the start of chinese new year *facepalm*. Once the new year ended all my items went out of stock, by the time they got them back in, packed my order up and shipped it. It landed in England on sunday... still waiting for it to finish getting through customs and turn up at my office.
Just got confirmation that the stuff I ordered on February 8th has just been shipped. Do you think they read these forums?
Old Chinese saying Grasshopper "A hobbling cat is better than a fast horse when rats swarm the palace."

No I don't know what the f$$k it means either

It was a saying invented by FT to give you something to work out whilst waiting on your order(takes the mind off the clock[calender]watching)
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