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Liquid Stevia


Sep 6, 2022
Would this be the correct forum to ask for fellow mixers opinions on using liquid stevia as a sweetener?
Would this be the correct forum to ask for fellow mixers opinions on using liquid stevia as a sweetener?
Every one I tried tasted grassy kind of. Flavorah was the worst. Tried a few from health shops and tried to make my own. Never had one that was just sweet, was always an off element they added, mostly that grassy after taste. Flavorah Sweetness though just hung around for ages after a vape.
Closest I have come to with just sweet and zero after taste is Capella Super Sweet and Purilum. They though are sucralose based. Recently though I have ditched sweeteners from my mixes after using them for yrs. Thought id miss it but dont.
Good luck finding a stevia that doesn't taste wierd. Even Capella concentrates that have it pre added are the same to me as when I added it, not nice.
Every one I tried tasted grassy kind of. Flavorah was the worst. Tried a few from health shops and tried to make my own. Never had one that was just sweet, was always an off element they added, mostly that grassy after taste. Flavorah Sweetness though just hung around for ages after a vape.
Closest I have come to with just sweet and zero after taste is Capella Super Sweet and Purilum. They though are sucralose based. Recently though I have ditched sweeteners from my mixes after using them for yrs. Thought id miss it but dont.
Good luck finding a stevia that doesn't taste weird. Even Capella concentrates that have it pre added are the same to me as when I added it, not nice.
Hi and thanks for your reply, I should have been clearer in my OP, I already use stevia in my mixes, what I`m looking for is whether anyone has read or heard of any health issues connected to vaping stevia or whether stevia really does reduce gunking and flavor muting.
When I first started using stevia all the brands suitable for use in vaping contained cider vinegar and I couldn't get on with the taste either, but now you can get hold of it with just the extract in purified water, I don`t know of any cons to vaping the tiny amounts (0.05ml per 10ml) of water that I add to some of my juices but I haven`t noticed any difference. I believe that the powder forms of stevia contain fillers and like so many of the additives (eg acetoin) they may be fine to ingest but not to inhale, so personally I prefer to stay away from mixing my own.
I`m asking at this time because for a couple of months I`ve been running unscientific side by side tests on a juice that contains sucralose and a popular strawberry flavoring that I would usually expect to dry burn/re coil a few times in that time, and the same juice where I`ve replaced the sucralose with stevia @ 1 drop per 10ml. Both juices vaped fine but I`ve dry burned and rewicked the sucralose juice 3 times and recoiled once, the stevia juice I`ve dry burned twice and recoiled just a couple of days ago just to continue with another part of the test.
At the time I decided to do the test (just for my own benefit), I mixed up 2 versions of a kiwi, bubblegum, strawberry and watermelon juice one with sucralose and one with stevia for the gunking test and a sample with no sweetener and one with stevia to be set aside for the duration of the gunking test, which I would test for flavor muting. A couple of days ago I opened the 2 juices and put into 2 clean, freshly wicked attys and I`ve been vaping on both for a couple of days, by turn both in the mornings and at night and I can honestly say that to my admittedly (knackered by 40 years of smoking) imperfect tastebuds that the stevia juice tastes richer, fuller, it`s hard to explain but you just know when a juice is right.
i purposely picked a juice that is part of my rotation and that I know is a clone of a commercially available juice that is liable to mute and a coil killer when mixed to any of the many various recipes.
All of the above is unscientific and not very conclusive and I wouldn`t have mentioned the test part if I had asked the right question in my OP ... silly bugger
Hi and thanks for your reply, I should have been clearer in my OP, I already use stevia in my mixes, what I`m looking for is whether anyone has read or heard of any health issues connected to vaping stevia or whether stevia really does reduce gunking and flavor muting.
When I first started using stevia all the brands suitable for use in vaping contained cider vinegar and I couldn't get on with the taste either, but now you can get hold of it with just the extract in purified water, I don`t know of any cons to vaping the tiny amounts (0.05ml per 10ml) of water that I add to some of my juices but I haven`t noticed any difference. I believe that the powder forms of stevia contain fillers and like so many of the additives (eg acetoin) they may be fine to ingest but not to inhale, so personally I prefer to stay away from mixing my own.
I`m asking at this time because for a couple of months I`ve been running unscientific side by side tests on a juice that contains sucralose and a popular strawberry flavoring that I would usually expect to dry burn/re coil a few times in that time, and the same juice where I`ve replaced the sucralose with stevia @ 1 drop per 10ml. Both juices vaped fine but I`ve dry burned and rewicked the sucralose juice 3 times and recoiled once, the stevia juice I`ve dry burned twice and recoiled just a couple of days ago just to continue with another part of the test.
At the time I decided to do the test (just for my own benefit), I mixed up 2 versions of a kiwi, bubblegum, strawberry and watermelon juice one with sucralose and one with stevia for the gunking test and a sample with no sweetener and one with stevia to be set aside for the duration of the gunking test, which I would test for flavor muting. A couple of days ago I opened the 2 juices and put into 2 clean, freshly wicked attys and I`ve been vaping on both for a couple of days, by turn both in the mornings and at night and I can honestly say that to my admittedly (knackered by 40 years of smoking) imperfect tastebuds that the stevia juice tastes richer, fuller, it`s hard to explain but you just know when a juice is right.
i purposely picked a juice that is part of my rotation and that I know is a clone of a commercially available juice that is liable to mute and a coil killer when mixed to any of the many various recipes.
All of the above is unscientific and not very conclusive and I wouldn`t have mentioned the test part if I had asked the right question in my OP ... silly bugger
Ages ago I tried all different things and checked things out. Stevia was considered the safest of all the sweeteners used. I tried to find the info to link but it was a few years ago now and couldn't find it. But yeah it was considered the safest with less by product or none of what others had whatever it was when heated.
The coil gunking side of things I read about sweeteners doing so quicker than non sweet. I think if my brain cells are working ok today that @Miss Pepper once gave me some info on the safety of sweeteners.
Anyway good luck with your experiment.
Had no probs with this


Thanks for your help guys, it`s appreciated.

Until recently I`ve been happy enough chugging on my own juices in one of my Dwarfs on a single coil @ about 1 ohm, then on a whim I bought a Bonza rda and again single coiled it at 0.38 ohms and wow a simple peach/strawberry juice tasted like nectar, so did the other juices in my rotation - I thought I must have died and gone to vapers heaven, well you know what us vapers are like, if one strand of wire = good then more strands must = better so I`ve decided that I`m going to try a composite coil, single at first to see if I get on with it, then maybe get a dual battery mod and go the whole hog, that`s when the doubts about gunking crept in. I believe that the theory behind composite coils is that the juice seeps into the nooks and crannies of the wires, so doesn`t that prove a nightmare with gunking? Anyway I`ll give it a shot, there`s nothing better than to get from in front of the telly, get under the duvet in the spare room and pull out the dripper (whoa that sounds iffy) - the rda, and the child in me finds it strangely satisfying watching the vape rolling down my legs clinging to the duvet like the mist from the Black Lagoon.
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