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Little bit of advice - Beginner


New Member
May 17, 2014
Hey whats going on, so i'm new to vaping well i've been doing if for about 2 months now an its going really well, enjoying it trying new flavours. finding what i like and what i don't like.

So i'm using a Vamo V5 an its a really good piece of kit an i'm enjoying it, but i'd like to step it up maybe try a rebuildable and a mech mod, i'm not loaded i have saved up about 200 pounds an i've been looking at clones an looking at the reviews on the forums here an others on youtube an i still am not sure where i should be starting. i'm drawing a blank i don't mind buying a clones thats fine but i don't want to spend say 30 pounds an it break a few days laters. So could anyone tell me where they started? or what they'd recommend for a beginner level.

Thanks guys :D

P.s not sure if its just me but when ever i post it takes ages for the actual post to show up so if i dont reply on here im just lost trying to find my thread :')
Hi and welcome :)

Your first two posts have to be approved hence a time delay;)

The vamo is a great bit so maybe look to get a rebuildable tank and get used to that before buying a mod as well?

Do you want a bottom build? Means you have to remove the juice before building and can be annoying if youre out and about at the time!

Top build? Well the coil / wick is on the top and the wick runs down into the tank so any problems can be sorted out without the faffing.

You can get a kayfun / taifun clone for about £25 (bottom build)

Kraken or other genny Clone for about £25 (top build)

So that would leave you £175 for a rainy day :D
You don't have to remove the juice in Taifun GT to rebuild, but I wouldn't recommend one, without drilling the draw is just too tight imo. I would suggest a kraken or a fogger v4.
Always worth venturing into rebuildables, if you've a mind to, and your vamo will work perfectly OK with them. Maybe look into a dripper,initially, just to get the feel and practise with coil building and fitting. They are a very inexpensive option, and won't go to waste, as they can be used as quick way to trial new juices and, as such, are always a handy bit of kit.
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If you want to try mechs, I can't recommend a cheap nemesis clone from FT enough. They're great as a first mech. Even if you don't like it, it's no great loss. For a RBA, get an igoW. Simple to setup and mod. Cheap too.
I'm with cheersm8, Maybe look into the drippers and rebuildables for the Vamo first. At least then you will have some of the knowledge in coiling ready for putting them on a mech.
You will also need to look into battery care as well. If you haven't already. Unlike the Vamo, there's no circuit protection in a mech.

Of cause you may already know this stuff. In which case a nemesis or stingray (I got mine from VapeGeek) with an igo-w dripper, would be a good starting point. As none of it will break easily.
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