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Little variety of juice (don't get excited)


Jan 21, 2018
Hi all, just a small selection to give away as i can't taste anything in them at all.
I have seen a few people mention that they like the rejuiced you donut liquid, so theres at least one that some may like.

Attached are the ones i am definitely giving away, i am in the middle of re-trying some premium juices which initially i couldn't get on with but have steeped for a minimum of 4 weeks so if i can't taste anything now i probably never will with these as they are meant for shake'n'vape or straight from 10ml bottles. The next selection might include shortfalls too. With these, i will add them as and when i've re-tried.

I know it's not much compared to the other very generous bunch, but its a start!

I was going to give away for free in the classifieds but not enough posts, so as it's a comp, first to guess my lucky number gets the lot!! Between 1 & 40


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just seen that the photo isn't very clear.
All are 3mg & 10ml

3 x rejuiced you donut (unused)
1 x liquid strawberry menthol
1 x liquid blueberry ice
2 x liquid pink lemonade
2 x liquid cherry & raspberry menthol
1 x liquid cherry menthol
1 x liquid cherry menthol 6mg
1 x ultimate version cherry menthol
29 (my lucky number at the casino, thought I should just give it a try haha, thanks for the opp!)
afraid none are right yet. i hope to god this doesn't go to the last number!!

new plan, if no-one has it by 11.30pm tonight, i'll do whoever gets nearest! :goodluck:

then do another comp for the next lot i give away!
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