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Lung.Org Article

Major Hazzard

Jan 27, 2014
Some say vaping e-cigarettes is worse than smoking the real thing - American Lung Association


My wife has been posted this article on FB and is now dead against my vaping.

I was wondering if there are any more balanced articles which could give her a more balanced view you folks could point me to?

Some say vaping e-cigarettes is worse than smoking the real thing
TAMPA - Touted as a safer alternative to traditional smoking, electronic cigarettes are supposed to give smokers their nicotine fix without the cancer-causing side effects of tobacco. But some have serious concerns that the battery-operated vaping devices may actually pose more dangers to users.

Florida banned smoking in most public places more than eight years ago, but some 40 years after Gwynne Chesher started lighting up. “In 1965, everybody smoked, it was an acceptable thing to do back then."

At her worst, Chesher was puffing a pack a day and eventually, she tried to stop. "I tried the gum; It gave me a stomachache. Tried the patch; it made my heart beat fast and scared me."

So when her son, recently suggested yet something else, Gwynne signed up.

"You just inhale like a cigarette," and began what some call 'vaping.' “It looks like smoke, but its water vapor."

E-cigarettes are battery operated. They have the look and feel of a traditional cigarette, without the smell, the smoke and the harmful side effects, say its supporters. Chesher said, “I was really impressed.”

Then her doctor weighed in. “He was like 'No way! You can't use those!'”

Dr. Mike Feinstein, a spokesman for the American Lung Association said, “People are inhaling some type of chemical vaporized compound into their lungs without really knowing what's in it."

Last year, The American Lung Association issued its own warning about e-cigarettes. “This is a buyer stay away, a buyer health hazard, potentially."

Doctor Robert Greene treats lung cancer patients at the Palm Beach Cancer Institute and said the product is potentially a health hazard. “There really is no information about whether they're safe or not, and that's part of the problem."

He says with no real data on e-cigarettes, the three-year-old tobacco alternative may actually be more harmful that traditional cigarettes. "The doses of nicotine that you get could conceivably be higher than what you would get in a typical cigarette."

Ray Story said "To make that claim is obviously ludicrous." Story is an e-cigarette distributor and CEO of the Tobacco Vapor Electronic Cigarette Association. “At the end of the day when you look at an e-cigarette, is it addictive? Nicotine is addictive."

Authorities don't necessarily know what's inside of e-cigarettes, but the FDA tested a small sample just a few years ago and found a number of toxic chemicals including diethylene gylcol - the same ingredient used in antifreeze.

Story says, “I understand they found all kinds of stuff. At one point in time you may have found whatever you want to find. If it can not be substantiated by the other side, you have to question their motive."

The findings forced The Food and Drug Administration to issue a nationwide health warning.

Gwynne Chesher says she's decided to wash her hands of anything to do with electronic cigarettes. “I have no problem throwing them in the trash."

According to The Tobacco Vapor Electronic Cigarette Association, e-cigarettes contain just five ingredients, all approved by the FDA. Recently, the FDA announced it will begin to regulate e-cigarettes as a tobacco product.
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