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Putting the soup into super hero
May 14, 2013
From Reddit


Manganin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Glycerine vapor and acrolein - the issues

When glycerine is overheated [1] and it decomposes (i.e. it is 'burnt'), acrolein is produced, which is a toxic chemical
When glycerine is overheated [1] and it decomposes (i.e. it is 'burnt'), acrolein is produced, which is a toxic chemical

You seemed to have missed the part out further down that says about the temperatures needed to create acrolein only occur when the coil(actually liquid cooled)dries out and by which time the glycerin has evaporated :P

You seemed to have missed the part out further down that says about the temperatures needed to create acrolein only occur when the coil(actually liquid cooled)dries out and by which time the glycerin has evaporated :P

There's actually mixed evidence about this, both experimental and anecdotal. I remain convinced that it will be demonstrated that it's produced at stupid ohms due to the heat produced by repeated hits on a coil in succession.

I will now accept my infraction for taking this thread WAAAAY off topic :D
In the youtube thumbnail, they look like packets of guitar strings. Maybe they should be called G-Flat?

Funny you should happen across that...you made me curious earlier and I did some digging, although unable to find out what metals are in it, from what I did read I was myself inclined towards the conclusion of Manganin, based on reports of poor corrosion resistance and also the resistance/temperature curve when compared to kanthal. It would be interesting to see if vapinology would give more of an indication as to the make-up on their mysterious magical alloy if questioned...
Funny you should happen across that...

I didn't - it was thrust into my inbox by someone who used to post here and obviously just reads the forum now (which is a shame because he knows his shit when it comes to metals and engineering).
If it really does heat up and cool down faster that would be a plus in my book.
Hope this works. Here is the place to discuss the science stuff behind manganin based wire.
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